CALL direct (888) 424-9491 or FAX your requirements to (702) 974-0713 481-9074.
For email
inquires, please send to
Mail order requests and payment can be sent to the following address: AixiZ
Service and International LLC PO Box 751994 Houston, Texas 77275
Please provide your name, contact information
and the type / quantity of laser or LED components you need. It is also helpful if you can fax or email to us the specification
sheets of the device you are currently using so we can get the exact match from the manufacturing companies in a quicker fashion.
shipping purposes, all prices will be quoted with transport costs to our facility in Houston, Texas for customs clearence.
Please provide FedEx, UPS, DHL or other specific shipping account information or required methods for transport to your location.
For items in inventory, shipping costs will be only required for local USA transport.
AixiZ warrants our components
for life!
You understand that the AixiZ is in no way legally responsible for the use of these components, improper
use of these components or their end products. You will use this components in a safe and reasonable manner for a legal purpose
Accept that by purchasing this product you will hold AixiZ harmless from any and all LIABILITY
AixiZ Service and International
LLC 5107 Del Monte Dr. Suite #7 Houston, Texas 77056